発刊年月 | 2025/1 |
体裁 | A4 :151ページ |
価格(税抜価格表示) | 380,000円(日本語/PDF+Excelデータ) |
- 概要
本レポートは携帯電話以外の主なセルラーモデム端末及びLPWA (LoRa, Sigfox)端末を対象とし、端末及びModule、Chipsetの市場予測および分析を行っています。具体的にはMobile Broadband (MBB)製品、Cellular内蔵Tablet及びPC、Cellular CPE (Fixed Wireless Access)、セルラー搭載Wearable、車載・産業用M2M Moduleが含まれます。 2024年レポートの主なハイライトは中国およびグローバル市場それぞれの分析、5G eMBB、RedCap及びeRedCap市場分析、インド市場動向を含む5G CPE市場分析、5G Chipsetロードマップ、サプライチェーン動向、LTE Cat.1/ Cat.1 bis及びLPWA市場のアップデート等。 市場予測の範囲は2021-2030年。市場シェアの範囲は2022-2024年。
- 目次
1. Summary 1.1. Market Trend Summary 1.2. 5G Standard Roadmap 1.3. Cellular Modem Device Market Forecast by Application 1.4. Cellular Modem Device Market Forecast by Standard 1.5. Non-Handset Cellular Device Market Forecast by Application 1.6. Non-Handset Cellular Device Market Forecast by Standard 1.7. Non-Handset Cellular Chipset Revenue Market Forecast by Standard 1.8. 5G/6G Migration Trend by Application 1.9. 5G RedCap Device Market Forecast 1.10. LPWA Device Market Forecast 1.11. Cellular Device/Module and Chipset Vendor Market Share Position 1.12. 5G Chip Roadmap 2. Cellular Broadband Device 2.1. LTE/5G Network 2.1.1. LTE/5G UE Data Throughput 2.1.2. Cellular Spectrum Band 2.1.3. 5G Spectrum Band by Area 2.1.4. Major 5G Network Operator 2.2. Cellular Broadband Device Description 2.3. Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router (Mobile Broadband Device) 2.3.1. Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router Market Forecast 2.3.2. Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router Market Forecast by Area 2.3.3. Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router Market Forecast by Cellular Standard 2.3.4. 5G/6G Share % by Area 2.3.5. Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router Market Share Cellular Data Card and Mobile Router Shipments by Device Type Mobile Router/Data Card Shipments by Standard 2.3.6. Mobile Router/Data Card Modem Chipset Market Share 2.4. Fixed Wireless Broadband (Cellular CPE) 2.4.1. Cellular CPE Market Forecast by Area 2.4.2. Cellular CPE Market Forecast by Standard 2.4.3. 5G/6G CPE Market Forecast by Area 2.4.4. India 5G FWA Market Forecast 2.4.5. Cellular CPE Market Breakdown by Area and Standard 2.4.6. Cellular CPE Vendor Market Share 2.4.7. Cellular CPE Modem Chip Vendor Market Share 2.5. Cellular Tablet 2.5.1. Cellular Tablet Market Forecast by Cellular Standard 2.5.2. Cellular Tablet Market Share 2.5.3. Cellular Tablet Modem Chip Vendor Market Share 2.6. Cellular Notebook PC 2.6.1. Cellular Notebook PC Market Forecast by Cellular Standard 2.6.2. Cellular Notebook PC Module Vendor Market Share 2.6.3. Cellular Notebook PC Modem Chip Vendor Market Share 2.7. Cellular Broadband Device Vendor List 2.8. Mobile Broadband Device Price Forecast 2.9. Cellular Broadband Device Vendor Trend 1. Arcadyan 2. Huawei 3. MeiG Smart 4. TCL (Alcatel) 5. Sercomm 6. Sharp 7. Wistron NeWeb 8. ZTE 9. Zyxel 3. M2M/LPWA and Cellular Wearable 3.1. Cellular IoT/LPWA Standard 3.1.1. LPWA, sub-GHz RF Standard 3.1.2. 5G RedCap 3.1.3. 5G NTN 3.2. Cellular M2M/LPWA Main Application 3.3. Cellular M2M Module Market Forecast 3.3.1. Cellular M2M Module Market Forecast by Vertical Application 3.3.2. Cellular M2M Module Market Breakdown by Area/ Main Vertical 3.3.3. Car OEM Telematics Market Forecast 3.3.4. Cellular Tracking Market Forecast (Transportation, Asset Tracking, Share economy) 3.3.5. Cellular Smart Meter Market Forecast 3.3.6. Cellular M2M Module Market Forecast by Area 3.3.7. China Cellular IoT Module Market Breakdown by Application 3.3.8. Cellular M2M Module Market Forecast by Cellular Standard 3.3.9. Cellular M2M Module Market Breakdown by Area/ Cellular Standard 3.3.10. LPWA Device Market Forecast LPWA Device Market Forecast by Protocol Cellular LPWA Market Forecast Unlicensed LPWA (LoRa, Sigfox) Device Market Forecast 3.3.11. Smart Module Market Forecast 3.4. Cellular M2M Module Vendor Market Share 3.4.1. Cellular M2M Module Vendor Market Share (Shipment Unit/ Revenue base) 3.4.2. Cellular M2M Module Vendor Shipment Unit Breakdown by Cellular Standard 3.4.3. Car OEM Telematics Module Vendor Market Share 3.4.4. Smart Module Vendor Market Share 3.5. Cellular M2M Modem Chipset Vendor Market Share 3.5.1. Cellular M2M Modem Chipset Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Standard 3.6. Cellular M2M/LPWA Module Vendor List 3.7. Cellular M2M Chipset - Module Supply Matrix 3.8. Cellular M2M Module Price Forecast 3.9. M&A in M2M Module Industry 3.10. Cellular M2M Module Vendor Trend 1. China Mobile IoT 2. Cavli Wireless 3. Fibocom 4. Lierda 5. LG Innotek 6. MeiG Smart 7. Murata 8. Quectel 9. Rolling Wireless 10. Sierra Wireless (Semtech) 11. SIMCom (SunSea AIOT) 12. Telit-Cinterion 13. Thundercomm 14. u-blox 3.11. Cellular Wearable 3.11.1. Cellular Wearable Device Type 3.11.2. Cellular Smart Watch Market Forecast 3.11.3. Cellular Smart Watch SoC Market Share 3.11.4. Cellular Wearable Platform 4. Cellular Modem Chipset 4.1. List of Major Chipset/IP Supplier 4.2. Non-handset Cellular Modem Chipset Product type 4.3. Non-Handset Cellular Modem Chipset Market Forecast 4.3.1. Non-Handset Cellular Modem Chipset Market Forecast by Chip Type 4.3.2. Non-Handset Cellular Modem Chipset Market Forecast by Standard (Revenue base) 4.4. Cellular Module Market Forecast by Application (Shipment Unit/ Revenue base) 4.5. Non-Handset Cellular Modem Chipset Vendor Market Share 4.5.1. Chipset Vendor Market Share (Shipment base) 4.5.2. Chipset Vendor Market Share (Revenue base) 4.5.3. Cellular Modem Chipset Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Application 4.5.4. Cellular Modem Chipset Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Cellular Standard 4.5.5. Cellular Modem Chipset Vendor Revenue Breakdown by Cellular Standard 4.6. Cellular Module Vendor Shipment Unit & Revenue Forecast (2022-2024) 4.7. Cellular Modem Chipset Vendor Trend 1. AICX Technology 2. ASR Microelectronics 3. Bluewave 4. CygnuSemi 5. EigenComm 6. GCT Semiconductor 7. Innobase 8. Innochip 9. MediaTek 10. MLink 11. Nordic Semiconductor 12. Qualcomm 13. Sanechips 14. Semtech 15. Sequans Communications 16. Sony Semiconductor Israel (Altair) 17. STMicroelectronics 18. UNISOC 19. Xinyi Information Technology 4.8. Cellular Modem Chipset Price Forecast 4.9. Non-Handset 5G Chipset 4.10. LPWA Chipset 4.10.1. Cellular LPWA Chipset List 4.10.2. Unlicensed Band LPWA Chipset List 4.11. Process Rule Trend