I. Executive Summary
1. 3D Sensing & Biometric Authentication Market Overview
2. Major Topics for Smartphone
3. New Types of 3D Sensing & Biometric Method for Smartphone
4. Path of Biometric Authentication
5. Market Trend Forecast of Biometric Authentication
6. Market Movements of ToF Camera Trends
7. Long Term Forecast of 3D Sensing & Biometric Module Shipment Volumes
8. Long Term Forecast of 3D Sensing & Biometric Module Shipment Revenue
9. 3D Sensing & Biometric Module Market (Volumes & Revenue)
10. Major Handsets with Structured Light, ToF, and Fingerprint Methodologies
II. Global Smartphone Market
1. Global Smartphone Shipment Trends
2. Global Smartphone Makers Market Share 2022 & 2023F
3. Global Smartphone Shipment Volumes by Makers 2022 & 2023F
4. Attached Ratio of 3D Sensing and Biometric Authentication
III. Market Overview of Biometric Authentication for Smartphone
1. 3D Sensing & Biometric Module Shipment Volumes by Products Type
2. Shipment Trend of 3D Sensing & Biometric Module (Volumes Basis)
3. 3D Sensing & Biometric Module Shipment Revenue by Products Type
4. Shipment Revenue of 3D Sensing & Biometric Module (Revenue Basis)
IV. Structured Light & Time-of Flight (ToF) Market
1. Methodology of 3D Sensing
2. Structure of 3D Sensing Module
3. Comparison of 3D Sensing Methodology
4. Camera Trend for Smartphone (Imaging and Sensing Field)
5. Future Possibility of 3D Sensing Camera : What is Next ??
6. Structured Light & ToF Cameras Shipment Volumes
7. Structured Light & ToF & IRIS Shipment Volumes
8. Structured Light & ToF & IRIS Shipment Revenue
9. Structured Light & ToF & IRIS Cameras Revenue
10. Shipment Volumes by ToF Sensor Type
11. Shipment Revenue by ToF Sensor Type
12. Major Entry Makers for 3D Sensing Module (Structured Light)
13. List of Entry Companies for ToF Camera
14. Cost Structure of Structured Light Module
15. Cost Breakdown of ToF Camera
16. Components Makers Share for ToF Camera Module
17. Supply Chain of ToF Sensor & Major Smartphone Companies 2022 & 2023F
18. Supply Chain of ToF Module & Major Smartphone Companies 2022 & 2023F
19. Supply Chain of Lens Units & Major Smartphone Companies 2022 & 2023F
V. Fingerprint Authentication Market
1. Market Trend Changing in Fingerprint Market 1
2. Market Trend Changing in Fingerprint Market 2
3. Value Added Elements on Capacitive & Optical/Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor
4. Movement to Capacitive to Optical/Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor for Under-Display
5. Entry Suppliers for Optical Fingerprint Sensor
6. Structure of Fingerprint Module (Ultra Thin & Camera Type)
7. Manufacturing Fingerprint Sensors by Foundries
8. Production Process of Fingerprint Module
9. Long Term Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes
10. Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes by Products Type
11. Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes by Types
12. Under-Display Fingerprint Sensor Maker Share in 2022 & 2023F (Volumes)
13. Under-Display Fingerprint Sensor Maker Share in 2022 & 2023F (Revenue)
14. Supply Chain of Fingerprint Sensor to Major Handset 2022
15. Supply Chain of Fingerprint Sensor to Major Handset 2023F
16. Under-Display Fingerprint Sensor Maker Shipment Volumes & Revenue in 2022 & 2023F
17. Fingerprint Market by Types (Volumes Basis)
18. Fingerprint Sensor Maker’s Comments & Remarks
19. Supply Chain of Fingerprint Sensor & Smartphone makers
20. Long Term Forecast of Fingerprint Sensor Shipment Revenue
21. Fingerprint Sensor Shipment Revenue by Products Type
22. Market Share of Fingerprint Sensor (Revenue Basis)
23. Fingerprint Sensor Market (Revenue Basis)
24. Long Term Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue
25. Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Products Type
26. Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Types
27. Under-Display Fingerprint Module Maker Share in 2022 & 2023F
28. Lens Units for Under-Display Fingerprint Module Maker Share in 2022 & 2023F
29. Major Components of Under-Display Fingerprint Module Makers Share 2023F
30. Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module to Major Handset 2022
31. Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module to Major Handset 2023F
32. Under-Display Fingerprint Module Makers Share Volumes & Revenue in 2022 & 2023F
33. Fingerprint module by Types (Revenue Basis)
34. Maker’s Comments & Remarks
VI. Product List