
2017 Wireless Connectivity market Analysis

発刊年月 2018/2
体裁 A4 :133ページ
250,000円(日本語/ハードコピー) 325,000円(日本語/PDF + Excelデータ)
本レポートはBluetooth、Bluetooth Low Energy、WiFiの市場動向、IC及びModule業界動向をまとめています。レポートには用途別、規格別の市場予測、無線Chip市場シェア、Chip及びModule価格トレンド、ロードマップ等が含まれます。
1. Summary
    1.1. Market Trend Summary
    1.2. Wireless Connectivity Standard
    1.3. Wireless Application
    1.4. Bluetooth Market Forecast
    1.5. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast
    1.6. WiFi Market Forecast by Application Segment
    1.7. WiFi Market Forecast by RF Configurations
    1.8. 802.11ax Market Breakdown by Application
    1.9. Positioning Wireless Chipset Vendor by Segment
    1.10. Wireless IoT Module Supply Chain
2. Standard
    2.1. List of Major Wireless Standards
    2.2. Radio Band
    2.3. Bluetooth Standard
    2.4. WiFi Standard
    2.5. IEEE802.15.4 Standard
3. Market Trend
    3.1. Bluetooth Market Forecast
        3.1.1. Bluetooth Market Forecast by Application
        3.1.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast by Application
        3.1.3. Bluetooth Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard
    3.2. WiFi Market Forecast
        3.2.1. WiFi Market Forecast by Application
        3.2.2. WiFi Market Forecast by Standard
        3.2.3 802.11ax Market Forecast by Application
        3.2.4. WiFi Market Forecast by Antenna Configuration
        3.2.5. WiFi Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard
    3.3. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast
        3.3.1. 60GHz WiFi Applications
        3.3.2. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast
    3.4. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Smartphone
    3.5. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Wearable
    3.6. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Automotive
        3.6.1. Wireless Attach Ratio
        3.6.2. Consolidation of Wireless Modules in Automotive
    3.7. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Home Entertainment
        3.7.1. Wireless Connectivity Application
        3.7.2. Wireless Connectivity Market Forecast in Home Entertainment Device
    3.8. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Smart Home
        3.8.1. Smart Home Application
        3.8.2. Smart Home Device Market Forecast
        3.8.3. Multi-Protocol, Mesh WiFi Router Market Forecast
    3.9. IEEE802.15.4 Market
4. Chipset & Module Trend
    4.1. Wireless Chip and Module Category
    4.2. Chipset and Module Vendor List.
    4.3. Wireless Connectivity Silicon IP Vendor
    4.4. New Entry, M&A
    4.5. Supply Chain
    4.6. Chipset Vendor Market Share
        4.6.1. Bluetooth Total
        4.6.2. Bluetooth Low Energy
        4.6.3. Bluetooth Audio SoC
        4.6.4. Bluetooth Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
        4.6.5. WiFi Total
        4.6.6. MCU Embedded WiFi Chip
        4.6.7. WiFi Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
        4.6.8. WiFi Market Share by Major Application
        4.6.9. Automotive Wireless Connectivity Chip Market Share
    4.7. Major Wireless Chip Vendors by Application
    4.8. Major Wireless Chip Vendor Trend
    4.9. Module Vendor Trend
        4.9.1. Shipment Quantity of Major Wireless Module Vendor
        4.9.2. Major Module Vendor Trend
        4.9.3. Module Ratio by Major Application
        4.9.4. Advantages of Module Use
        4.9.5. Module Ratio by Major Smartphone Vendor
    4.10. Module and Chip Price Forecast
    4.11. Smartphone Connectivity Chip and Module Solution Market Trend
    4.12. Wireless Connectivity Integrated PC Market Forecast
        4.12.1. Wireless Connectivity Integrated PC Platform
        4.12.2. Wireless Connectivity Integrated PC Market Forecast
    4.13. Wireless Module Market Forecast to Car Infotainment Device
    4.14. 802.11ax Chipset
    4.15. MCU Embedded WiFi
    4.16. IoT Module Supply Chain
    4.17. Bluetooth Low Energy SoC Trend
        4.17.1. Bluetooth 5 and Feature Support
        4.17.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Chip Roadmap
    4.18. Combo Chip
    4.19. Process Technology Trend
    4.20. Major Wireless Chipset List