xR (VR/AR)

Timely Version Marketing Report : ARMR Market 2023

発刊年月 2023/5
体裁 A4 :28ページ

Meta Verseを始めとした仮想空間体験に対する需要が近年高まっており、Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR)技術を活用したGlassware開発への取り組みが活発化している。現時点のAR/MRは、未だ外部機器(Smart PhoneやTablet PC)を介した体験(Main PlatformのAccessory)としての利用機会に留まっている。また、活用範囲もBusiness市場が中心となる。これらの理由からAR/MR Glasswareの市場規模は現時点では非常に小さいものの、Smart Phoneに代わる新たなMobile Platformとしての需要が期待されている。そこで同Reportでは、当該市場の拡大要因を明らかにする事を目的としている。

主題 : The Market Breakthrough of ARMR	
副題 : 2020年代のTrendからAR/MR製品の普及拡大Chanceへ繋げる為の取り組み

● AR(スマート)グラス市場
● MRヘッドセット市場
● AR、MRアプリケーション市場
I. Summary
    1. xR definition in this research coverage
    2. Market entrants in AR and MR glassware market
    3. Existing glassware and target application market
II. Market Overview
    i. Long term forecast in AR and MR glassware market (2020-2030e)
    4. Long term forecast in all xR market (2020-2030e)
    5. Market condition and product positioning on each scenario in ARMR
    6. Volume trend by scenario (Aggressive, Reasonable, Conservative)
    7. Market forecast in ARMR glassware (Volume and Revenue) : 2020-2030e
    8. Volume trend of ARMR glassware by screen type (monocular/binocular)
    9. Volume trend of ARMR glassware by channel (consumer/commercial)
    10. Market share by ARMR glassware maker (2021-2023e)
    2. Technology and specification trend of ARMR glassware market (2021-2030e)
    11. FOV (Field Of View) trend
    12. Image texture (2D and 3D) trend
    13. 3D image generation technologies trend
    14. Optical platform type Trend
    15. Micro display trend
    16. Light source trend
    17. Average sales price trend of ARMR Glassware (Hardware basis)
    18. Target price of ARMR glass for market breakthrough
    19. Price trend by key components the related ARMR glassware
III. Main Theme : The Market Breakthrough of AR and MR
    Study 1 [Market and Situation]
    a. Makers Approaches for Increase chances of ARMR glassware from web trends in 2020s
    20. xR glassware and 2020s web platform fitting
    21. ARMR experience on usage scene in the future
    22. Major platformers trends and updates
    Motivation, Benefits and ARMR effects on each category
    23. Category I : Automotive
    24. Category II : Medical and Healthcare
    25. Category III : Lifestyle and Commercial
IV. Reference Data
    i. Virtual Reality (VR) Market
    26. VR Goggles market overview and long term forecast (volume and revenue)
    27. Long term forecast by display technology (volume and revenue)
    28. Unit price trend of VR goggles