発刊年月 | 2016/3 |
体裁 | A4 :140ページ |
価格(税抜価格表示) | 300,000円(日本語/ハードコピー) 390,000円(日本語/PDF+Excelデータ) |
- 概要
Platform: Chipset及びOSの動向について調査・分析したレポート『Mobile Phone Platform Market & Development』のアップデートです。 市場予測データの期間は2014-2020年 市場シェアデータの期間は2014-2016年、及び1Q2014-4Q2015
- 目次
1. Summary 1.1. Mobile Platform Market Summary 1.2. Mobile Phone & Smartphone Market Forecast 1.3. Smartphone Shipping Ratio by Price Range 1.4. Operator Channel Smartphone Market Forecast 1.5. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Cellular Standard 1.6. LTE- Carrier Aggregation Smartphone Market Forecast 1.7. Smartphone Market Share Trend by OEM Vendor Segment, 2011-2016 1.8. LTE Chipset Price Trend 1.9. Mobile Phone Modem Chip Market Share by Cellular Protocol 1.10. Application Processor Market Share by Price Tier 1.11. Smartphone Chipset Roadmap Summary 2. Cellular Network 2.1. Cellular Standard Roadmap 2.2. 3GPP Band 2.3. LTE Band Allocation 2.4. Carrier Aggregation 2.5. LTE-Advanced Operators 2.6. 5G Cellular Standard Trend 3. Market Forecast 3.1. Mobile Phone and Smartphone Market Forecast 3.2. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Area 3.3. Smartphone Market Forecast and Shipment Ratio by Area 3.4. Smartphone Ratio of Total Mobile Phone Shipment by Area 3.5. Market Trend by Area 3.6. Mobile Phone and Smartphone Market Forecast by Area 3.7. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Standard 3.8. Smartphone Market Forecast by Standard 3.9. LTE Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Area 3.10. LTE- Carrier Aggregation Smartphone Market Forecast 3.11. Smartphone Market Forecast by Price Band 3.12. Operator Channel Smartphone Market Forecast 3.13. Smartphone Market Forecast by OS Platform 3.14. Android Smartphone Market Breakdown by GMS support and AOSP 3.15. Mobile Phone Market Share Trend 3.15.1. Total 3.15.2. by Cellular Standard 3.15.3. Quarterly Mobile Phone Market Share Trend 3.16. Smartphone Market Share Trend 3.16.1. Total 3.16.2. by OS Platforms 3.16.3. Quarterly Mobile Phone Market Share Trend