
2018年版 スマートフォン向け3D Sensing & 生体認証市場のマーケティング分析

発刊年月 2018/5
体裁 A4 :100ページ
500,000円(日本語/ハードコピー + PDFデータ)
本レポート『』は世界市場における生体認証市場動向を中心に市場動向を網羅したマーケティングレポートである。スマートフォン向け生体認証関連事業に参入している企業が世界の市場動向を的確に把握し、マーケティング戦略を立案する上で一助となり得ることを目的としたマルチクライアント調査レポートである。(本レポート生体認証には、3D Sensing (顔認証含む)、指紋認証をカバーしております。)
I: Executive Summary
  1: Biometric Authentication Market Overview
  2: Major Topics for Smartphone
  3: New Types of Biometric Method for Smartphone
  4: Online Payments Service & Providers
  5: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Volumes by Products Type
  6: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Products Type
II. Global Smartphone Market
  1: Global Smartphone Shipment Trends
  2: Global Smartphone Makers Market Share CY2017 & CY2018F
  3: Global Smartphone Shipment Volumes by Makers CY 2017 & CY2018F
  4: Attached Ratio of Fingerprint Authentication in Smartphone 
  5: Attached Ratio of 3D Sensing + Face ID in Smartphone 
  6: Attached Ratio of Fingerprint Authentication in Smartphone by Makers
III. Market Overview of Biometric Authentication for Smartphone
  1: Market Movements of IRIS/Face Authentication
  2: Current Method of 3D Sensing for Mobile 
  3: Structure of Structured Light Solution 
  4: Apple iPhone: Front Camera & 3D Sensing Suppliers
  5: Biometric Authentication in Front & Rear sides
  6: Market Positioning of Biometric Authentication Functions
  7: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Volumes
  8: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Volumes by Products Type
  9: Shipment Trend of Biometric Authentication (Volumes Basis)
  10: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Revenue
  11: Long Forecast of Biometric Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Products Type
  12: Shipment Revenue Trend of Biometric Authentication (Revenue Basis)
IV. 3D Sensing & Face identification market
  1: Methodology of 3D Sensing
  2: Structure of 3D Sensing module
  3: Comparison of 3D Sensing methodology
  4: Camera Trend for Smart Phone (Imaging and Sensing Filed)
  5: Possibility of Triple Camera 
  6: Future possibliyt of 3D sensing camera : What is Next ?? 
  7: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes
  8: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes by Products Type
  9: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes by Products Type (Total)
  10: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes by Products Type ( Front Side)
  11: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes by Products Type ( Rear Side)
  12: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Volumes Trend
  13: Long term Forecast of Biometric Market (Volumes Basis)
  14: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue
  15: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue by Products Type
  16: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue by Products Type (Total)
  17: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue by Products Type (Front Side)
  18: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue by Products Type (Rear Side)
  19: Long Forecast of 3D Sensing + Face ID Shipment Revenue Trend
  20: Long term Forecast of Biometric Market (Revenue Basis)
  21: Major entry makers for 3D Sensing module
  22: Entry for 3D Sensing for Structured Light Solutions
  23: Cost Structure of Structured Light module
  24: Releasing Time Schedule of 3D Sensing
V. Fingerprint Authentication market
  1: Market Trend Changing in Fingerprint Market 1 
  2: Market Trend Changing in Fingerprint Market 2 
  3: Manufacturing Fingerprint Sensors by Foundries 
  4: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes
  5: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes by Products Type
  6: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Volumes by Types
  7: Fingerprint Sensor Maker Share in 2017 & 2018F 
  8: Fingerprint Sensor Maker Shipment Volumes in 2017 & 2018F 
  9: Long term Forecast of Fingerprint Market by Types (Volumes Basis)
  10: Fingerprint Sensor Maker' s Comments & Remarks 1
  11: Maker' s Comments & Remarks 2
  12: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Sensor & Smartphone makers
  13: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Revenue
  14: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Revenue by Products Type
  15: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Shipment Revenue by Types
  16: Long term Forecast of Fingerprint Sensor Market (Revenue Basis)
  17: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue
  18: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Products Type
  19: Long Forecast of Fingerprint Authentication Module Shipment Revenue by Types
  20: Fingerprint Module Maker Share in 2017 & 2018F 
  21: Fingerprint Module Maker Shipment Volumes in 2017 & 2018F 
  22: Long term Forecast of Fingerprint module Market by Types (Revenue Basis)
  23: Maker' s Comments & Remarks 1
  24: Maker' s Comments & Remarks 2
  25: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module & Smartphone Makers
  26: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module & Sensor Makers
VI. Product List
  1: Product List 1
  2: Product List 2
  3: Product List 3
  4: Product List 4
  5: Product List 5
  6: Product List 6
  7: Product List 7
  8: Product List 8
  9: Product List 9
  10: Product List 10
  11: Product List 11
  12: Product List 12
  13: Product List 13
  14: Product List 14