
2017年版 スマートフォン向け生体認証市場のマーケティング分析

発刊年月 2017/2
体裁 A4 :94ページ

I: Executive Summary
    1: Biometric Authentication Market Overview 
    2: Major Topics for Smartphone 
    3: Methodology of Biometric Authentication 
    4: Application for Biometric Authentication 
    5: Methodologies of Biometric Authentication 
    6: Long Forecast of Smartphone & Biometric Authentication 
    7: Long forecast of Biometric Sensor Shipment Revenue 
    8: Long forecast of Biometric Module Shipment Revenue  
    9: Market Trends of Biometric Sensor Market (Volumes Basis) 
    10: Market Trends of Biometric Sensor & Module Markets (Revenue Basis) 
    11: Market Overview of Biometric Authentication Market 
II. Global Smartphone Market
    1: Global Smartphone Shipment Trends 
    2: Smartphone Market Trends by Region 
    3: Global Smartphone Shipment :  Market Share & Growth Rate 
    4: Global Smartphone Makers Market Share CY2015 & CY2016F 
    5: Global Smartphone Shipment Volumes by Makers CY 2015 & CY2016F 
    6: Attached Ratio of Fingerprint Authentication in Smartphone 
    7: Attached Ratio of Fingerprint Authentication in Smartphone by Makers 
III. Biometric Sensor for Smart Phone Market
    1: Methodology of Biometric Authentication 
    2: Market Movements of Biometric Authentication 
    3: Attached Ratio of Biometric Sensor Shipment in Global Smartphone 
    4: Market Trends of Biomentric Sensor Shipment Volumes 
    5: Major Entry Biometric Sensor Companies 
    6: Relationship of Smartphone & Biometric Companies 
    7: Market Movements of IRIS/Face Authentication 
    8: Online Payments Service & Providers 
    9: Forecast of Biometric Sensor Shipment Volumes 
    10: Forecast of Fingerprint Sensor Shipment Volumes 
    11: Forecast of IRIS/Face Sensor Shipment Volumes 
    12: Forecast of Biometric Sensor Shipment Revenue 
    13: Forecast of Fingerprint Sensor Shipment Revenue 
    14: Forecast of IRIS/Face Sensor Shipment Revenue 
    15: Market Trends of Biometric Sensor (Volumes Basis) 
    16: Market Trends of Biometric Sensor (Revenue Basis) 
    17: Fingerprint Sensor Maker Share in 2015 & 2016F 
    18: Fingerprint Sensor Shipment Volumes by Makers in 2015 & 2016F 
    19: IRIS/Face Sensor  Maker Share in 2015 & 2016F 
    20: IRIS/Face Sensor Shipment Volumes by Makers in 2015 & 2016F 
    21: Maker’s Comments & Remarks 1 
    21-1: Maker’s Comments & Remarks 2 
    22: Manufacturing Fingerprint Sensors by Foundries 
    23: Relationships between Fingerprint Sensors & Foundries 
    24: Fingerprint Sensor Cost breakdown
    25: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Sensor & Smartphone makers
IV: Fingerprint & IRIS/Face Module Market
    1: Major Entry Fingerprint Module Makers 
    2: Supply Chain of Sensor, Module and Smartphone 
    3: Module Makers’ Nationality Market Share 
    4: Forecast of Biometric Module Shipment Volumes 
    5: Forecast of Fingerprint Module Shipment Volumes 
    6: Forecast of IRIS/Face Module Shipment Volumes 
    7: Biometric Module Market Position 
    8: Fingerprint module Cost Breakdown 
    9: Biometric Module Shipment Revenue 
    10: Fingerprint Module Shipment Revenue 
    11: IRIS/Face Module Shipment Revenue 
    12: Market Trends of Biometric Module (Revenue Basis) 
    13: Fingerprint Module Maker Share in 2015 & 2016F 
    14: Fingerprint Module Shipment Volumes by Makers in 2015 & 2016F 
    15: Specification of IRIS/Face Authentication Module 
    16: Coverage of Current Components to New Field (Near IR) 
    17: IRIS/Face Module Maker Share in 2015 & 2016F 
    18: IRIS/Face Module Shipment Volumes by Makers in 2015 & 2016F 
    19: Maker’s Comments & Remarks 1 
    19-1: Maker’s Comments & Remarks 2 
    20: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module & Smartphone Makers 
    20: Supply Chain of Fingerprint Module & Sensor Makers 
Appendix Biometric for Tablet & Note-Book PC
    Appendix 1 
    1: Biometric Authentication for Tablet 
    2: Biometric Authentication for Tablet (Based on Tablet Shipment) 
    3: Biometric Authentication for Tablet  by Type 
    4: Tablet and Tablet with Biometric Authentication Brand Share in 2016F 
    5: Supply chain for Tablet 
    Appendix 2
    1: Biometrics Authentication for NotePC  
    2: Biometric Authentication for NotePC (Based on NotePC Shipment) 
    3: Biometric Authentication for  NotePC  
    4: NotePC and NotePC with Biometric Authentication Brand Share in 2016F 
    5: Fingerprint for NotePC  
    6: RealSense for NotePC 
    Appendix 3
    1: Smartphone with Fingerprint Product List