Camera/Image SensorToF (Time of Flight)

2022 Marketing Analysis on 3D LiDAR

Pub Date May. 2022
Size & Pages A4 :214 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$5,000 (English Ver./PDF ) 
Executive Summary
    1). Overall 3D LiDAR market size trends
    2). 3D LiDAR major manufacturer's market share by field (top3+others) CY20-CY21
    3). 3D LiDAR major application cases
    4). Volume-based market size trends by application
    5). 3D LiDAR deployment situation in ranging distance and installation environment
    6). Changes in LiDAR products by product type
    7). 3D LiDAR market research overview and future prospects
I. Market trends
    1. 3D LiDAR market overview (Y2020-Y2035F)
    1-1. Overall 3D LiDAR market size trends
    1-2. 3D LiDAR market size trends by field
    1-3. Details of 3D LiDAR market size trends by field
    2. 3D LiDAR application trends
    2-1. Market trends in the industrial field
    2-2. Automotive market trends
    2-3. Consumer market trends
II. Market trends by product
    1. 3D LiDAR product trends
    1-1. Basic components of LiDAR systems
    1-2. Main LiDAR development themes
    1-3. Future development themes by 3D LiDAR application
    1-4. Adoption status of light sources/light receiving elements in LiDAR by detection distance
    1-5. TX trends
    1-6. RX trends
    1-7. Scanning trends
    1-8. Long wavelength LiDAR market trends
III. Maker trends
    1. 3D LiDAR makers market development trends
    1-1. Annual volume scale list (Y2020) by 3D LiDAR application and maker
    1-2. Annual volume scale list (Y2021) by 3D LiDAR application and maker
    1-3. Maker share trends by field
IV. Face sheet on major LiDAR makers
V. LiDAR product list