AutomotivexR (VR/AR)

2024 Head Up Display Market Update

Pub Date Jan. 2024
Size & Pages Data:21
Price(Tax excluded)
US$700 (English Ver./Power Point and Excel Data)
This report covers Head-Up display market. This report is including basically HUD market data such as market overview, volume forecast, HUD technology trend, topical themes, supply chain matrix, cost trend and market share in this report. This version focuses HUD is utilized into virtual meter cluster as the new automotive HMI.

※ This report is a spin-off report from “Automotive Cockpit Electronics and Displays 2023-2024”. The full packaged cockpit report will be published in March 2024. Please contact us if the customer require for full packaged report.
1. HUD Market Overview
    1.1. Summary for HUD market (market size, top supplier, market topics, technology, product position)
    1.2. Market size trend in Head-Up Display Market (2020-2030e) : volume, revenue and attach ratio
    1.3. HUD market update from the previous forecast
    1.4. Volume trend by HUD type (Windshield,/Combiner)
2. Technology Trend in HUD Market
    2.1. Volume trend by micro display type
    2.2. FOV trend in volume
    2.3. Advanced technology HUD : Wide FOV, AR-HUD, 2 Plane HUD and 3D Holographic HUD
    2.3.1. Definition by advanced technology HUD
    2.3.2. Penetration rate by advanced technologies in HUD market
    2.3.3. Wide FOV HUD
    2.3.4. Augmented Reality (AR) HUD
    2.3.5. 2 Plane HUD
    2.3.6. 3D Holographic HUD
3. HUD Market Trends
    3.1. Topical HUD pick-up in major car OEM vehicles update (2022 and 2023)
    3.1.1. 2022
    3.1.2. 2023
    3.2. Supply chain matrix in HUD market
    3.3. Maker share by HUD type
    3.3.1. All HUDs market
    3.3.2. Car OEMs by HUD type
    3.3.3. Tier 1 Suppliers by HUD type
4. Market Topic_To Integrated Cockpit System : Technology Approaches From HUD
    4.1. Virtual meter cluster by utilized HUD technology
    5. Cost Trend in HUD Market
    5.1. Average unit price by HUD type
    5.2. Cost trend by advanced HUD