Mobile & Wireless

2023 Mobile Phone Platform Market & Development

Pub Date Sep. 2023
Size & Pages A4 :117 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
USD 4,000 (including PDF report and Excel data)
This is the update version of “Mobile Phone Platform Market & Development” market report, which covers mobile phone chipsets: cellular modem, application processor, and mobile OS. The 2023 report covers cellular handset and chipset market forecast by 2029, analysis smartphone chipset market by segment, cellular standard, process node, supply matrix, IC foundry, chipset roadmap, and so on.

Market Forecast Period: CY2020-2029
Market Share Period: CY2021-2023/2024, and 1Q2022-4Q2023
1. Summary
    1.1. Mobile Phone Platform Market Summary
    1.2. Mobile Phone Market Forecast
    1.3. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Standard
    1.4. 5G/6G Smartphone Market Forecast by Area
    1.5. Smartphone - Chipset Supply – Demand Gap
    1.6. Smartphone Chipset Shipment Forecast by Segment
    1.7. Smartphone Chipset Revenue Forecast by Segment
    1.8. Smartphone Application Processor Process Node Trend
    1.9. Smartphone Application Processor Market Share Trend, 2017-2026
    1.10. Smartphone 5G Modem Market Share Trend, 2019-2026
    1.11. Premium-tier Smartphone Processor Roadmap
2. Cellular Standard & Band
    2.1. Cellular Standard Roadmap
    2.2. LTE/5G Data Throughput
    2.3. Cellular Spectrum Band
        2.3.1. Cellular Band Group
        2.3.2. Cellular Band Allocation by Area
        2.3.3. 5G Spectrum Band by Area
        2.3.4. List of 3GPP Band
    2.4. Major 5G Network Operator
3. Market Forecast
    3.1. Mobile Phone Market Forecast
        3.1.1 Mobile Phone Market Forecast
        3.1.2. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Area
        3.1.3. Mobile Phone Market Forecast by Standard
    3.2. Smartphone Market Forecast
        3.2.1. Smartphone Market Forecast by Area
        3.2.2. Smartphone Market Forecast by Standard
        3.2.3. 5G/6G Smartphone Market Forecast by Area
        3.2.4. mmWave 5G Smartphone Market Forecast
        3.2.5. LTE and 5G Smartphone Penetration Comparison
        3.2.6. iPhone Market Forecast Breakdown
    3.3. Feature Phone Market Forecast
        3.3.1. Feature Phone Market Forecast by Area
        3.3.2. Feature Phone Market Forecast by Standard
        3.3.3. Smart Feature Phone Market Forecast
    3.4. Mobile Phone and Smartphone Market Forecast Breakdown
    3.5. Mobile Phone Market Share Trend
        3.5.1. Mobile Phone/Smartphone Market Share
        3.5.2. 5G Smartphone Market Share
        3.5.3. Mobile Phone Market Share by Cellular Standard
        3.5.4. Quarterly Mobile Phone Market Share Trend
        3.5.5. Quarterly Smartphone Market Share Trend
4. Mobile Platform
    4.1. Cellular Modem, RF and Application Processor/IP Vendor List
    4.2. Smartphone Chipset Supply Matrix
    4.3. Smartphone Chipset Market Forecast
        4.3.1. Smartphone Chipset Shipment Volume by Segment
        4.3.2. Smartphone Chipset Revenue and Average Selling Price
        4.3.3. Smartphone Chipset Market Forecast by SoC and Modem + AP 2 Chip Solution
        4.3.4. Smartphone Application Processor Market Forecast by Process Node
        4.3.5. Smartphone Chipset Shipment Breakdown by Foundry/ Process Node
    4.4. Mobile Phone Chipset Market Share
        4.4.1. Handset Modem Total
        4.4.2. Smartphone Modem Market Share
        4.4.3. Smartphone Application Processor Market Share
        4.4.4. Smart Feature Phone Chipset Market Share
        4.4.5. Feature Phone Chipset Market Share
        4.4.6. 5G Modem Market Share
        4.4.7. Smartphone 5G Modem Market Share Breakdown by OEM
        4.4.8. In-house Application Processor Trend
        4.4.9. Smartphone Application Processor Vendor Shipment by Customer
        4.4.10. Smartphone Application Processor Shipment Forecast (Chipset Shipment base)
        4.4.11. Smartphone Chipset Vendor Shipment and Revenue Breakdown (Chipset Shipment Base)
        4.4.12. 5G Chipset-OEM Supply Matrix (2022-1H2023)
    4.5. Smartphone Chipset Price Forecast
        4.5.1. Major Smartphone Chipset Price Forecast (2020-2024)
        4.5.2. Silicon Wafer Price Forecast
    4.6. Smartphone Chipset Roadmap
        4.6.1. Smartphone Chipset Roadmap by Segment
        4.6.2. Smartphone Chipset Roadmap Trend by Vendor
    4.7. 5G Modem Trend
        4.7.1. 5G Modem Performance by Segment
        4.7.2. 5G mmWave Antenna Module Trend
    4.8. Process Technology
        4.8.1. Process Node Roadmap
        4.8.2. Processor Vendor- Foundry Matrix (2023-2024)
    4.9. CPU Core Trend
    4.10. Smartphone GPU IP Market Share
    4.11. Mobile Neural Processor
    4.12. Mobile Phone Chipset List