
2023 Next Generation Lighting/Lighting Devices Market Analysis

Pub Date Aug. 2023
Size & Pages A4 :161 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
 US$5,500 (English Ver./ PDF and Excel data)
This report,“2023 Next-Generation Lighting/Lighting Components Market Research Project”, surveys and analyzes the market trends of LED lighting, OLED lighting fixtures, light sources, and main components. 

Targeting the global market, it provides detailed information necessary for companies entering or considering entry into the lighting business to clarify their future direction.

(Main chapter:113 Pages+Application data chapter:48Pages)
I. Summary
     1. Survey Overview
     2. LED/OLED Market Forecast by Fixture
  3. LED/OLED Market Forecast by Light source
     4. LED Lighting Fixture by Type
     5. OLED Lighting Panel by Use
     6. Device for LED Lighting Forecast
     7. Device for OLED Lighting Panel Forecast
     8. Market share
     9. Human Centric Lighting Trends
II. Market Data By Region
     1. Market trends by Region -Market size, Topics-
      (Japan, US, EU, China, Others)
III. Market Data By Application
     1. LED Total
     2. OLED Total
     3. Market Data By Application
        Indoor(Home, Office, Shop・Facility, Hotel, Factory・Warehouse, Others indoor) 
        Outdoor(Street light, Landscape lighting, Road lighting, Tunnel lighting, Signboard, Illumination)
IV. Device for LED Lighting
     1. LED Package
     2. Power supply components(Power supply unit, LED Driver, Microcomputer)
     3. Optical components(Lens, Light guide plate, Diffuser plate)
     4. Cost simulation
      (LED Base Light, LED Celling Light, LED Bulbs, LED Fluorescent lamp)
V. Device for OLED Lighting
     1. OLED Lighting Panel Market Forecast -Quantity・Amounts-
     2. OLED Lighting Panel Market Forecast -Area-
     3. OLED Lighting Panel Market Forecast -By panel size -
     4. OLED Lighting Panel Price Trend
     5. Cost simulation of panel
     6. Major manufacturer relationship diagram
     7. Major material maker relationship diagram
     8. Technology Trends
     9. Maker List -Substrate, Organic Layer-
    10. Maker List -Sealing, Light extraction-
    11. Substrate(Market size, Price trends etc.)
    12. Organic Layer(Market size, Price trends etc.)
    13. Sealing(Market size, Price trends etc.)
    14. Light extraction(Market size, Price trends etc.)
    15. OLED Panel Maker Trends
Application data chapter
     1. Indoor(Home, Office, Shop・Facility, Hotel, Factory・Warehouse, Others indoor) 
     2. Outdoor(Street light, Landscape lighting, Road lighting, Tunnel lighting, Signboard, Illumination)