Pub Date | Jul. 2021 |
Size & Pages | A4 :220 Pages |
Price(Tax excluded) | US$5,000 (English version / 1 Hardcopy + PDF) JPY400,000 (Japanese version / 1 Hardcopy + PDF) |
- Outline
The report, "LIB Market Analysis on China" intends to clarify Chinese LIB cell and materials, which are said to be hundreds of makers, and their surrounding market environment changes and to comprehend the overall market, as well as the major makers' current situations. By comprehending the current Chinese Li-ion battery market in detail, the report aims to serve as a benchmark for series of decision makings in a LIB material-related company, including in sales, development, and investment strategies. The report is an annual based report for 2021 edition in LIB Project. Although the report enables the readers to comprehend the Chinese LIB market, combined use of "LIB Material Market Analysis," "Small Format LIB Market Analysis," and "Marketing Analysis of LIB for Automotive" will further help to understand the market environment in wider and deeper scopes.
- Contents
I. Summary Summary 1 Definitions of LIB Market in this Report Summary 2 Major Remarks on Chinese LIB Makers Summary 3 Size & Applications of the Chinese LIB Market Summary 4 Shipment Trend of Major Chinese LIB Makers Summary 5 Major Remarks on Chinese Material Makers Summary 6 On Cathode Market: Shipment and by Type Trends Summary 7 On Anode Market: Shipment and by Type Trends Summary 8 On Separator Market: Shipment and by Type Trends Summary 9 On Electrolyte Market: Shipment Trend Appendix Global LIB Market Size by Application II On LIB Market 2-1. China LIB Market Overview 2-2. Major Chinese LIB Maker Shipment Trend 2-2-1. Major Chinese LIB Makers Shipment Volume (Small Format LIB) 2-2-2. Major Chinese LIB Maker Shipment Volume by Type (Small Format LIB) 2-2-3. Major Chinese LIB Makers Shipment Volume (Large Format LIB) 2-2-4. Major Chinese LIB Maker Shipment Volume by Type (Large Format LIB) 2-3. Production Capacity Trend of Major Chinese LIB Makers 2-3-1. Production Capacity of Major Chinese LIB Makers (Small Format LIB) 2-3-2. Production Capacity of Major Chinese LIB Makers (Large Format LIB) 2-4. China xEV Market 2-4-1. China xEV Market Trend 2-4-2. China xEV Market Share III On LIB Material Market 3-1. Impact to LIB Material Market by Chinese Material Makers 3-2. On Cathode 3-2-1. Overview of Cathode Market 3-2-2. Shipment by Major Applications by Chinese Cathode Makers 3-2-3. Production Capacity Trend Reference: Map by Site 3-2-4. Major Cathode Makers; Maker Share 3-2-5. Major Cathode Makers; Maker Share by Type 3-2-6. Major Cathode Makers; Maker Share by Type, by Application 3-2-7. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-2-8. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-2-9. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-2-10. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-2-11. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-2-12. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-2-13. On Chinese Market Trend 3-3.On Anode 3-3-1. Overview of Anode Market 3-3-2. Shipment by Major Applications by Chinese Anode Makers 3-3-3. Production Capacity Trend Reference: Map by Site 3-3-4. Major Anode Makers; Maker Share 3-3-5. Major Anode Makers; Maker Share by Type 3-3-6. Major Anode Makers; Maker Share by Type, by Application 3-3-7. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-3-8. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-3-9. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-3-10. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-3-11. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-3-12. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-3-13. On Chinese Market Trend 3-4. On Separator 3-4-1. Overview of Separator Market 3-4-2. Shipment by Major Applications by Chinese Separator Makers 3-4-3. Production Capacity Trend Reference: Map by Site 3-4-4. Major Separator Makers; Maker Share 3-4-5. Major Separator Makers; Maker Share by Type 3-4-6. Major Separator Makers; Maker Share by Type, by Application 3-4-7. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-4-8. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-4-9. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-4-10. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-4-11. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-4-12. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-4-13. On Chinese Market Trend 3-5. On Electrolyte 3-5-1. Overview of Electrolyte Market 3-5-2. Shipment by Major Applications by Chinese Electrolyte Makers 3-5-3. Production Capacity Trend Reference: Map by Site 3-5-4. Major Electrolyte Makers; Maker Share 3-5-5. Major Electrolyte Makers; Maker Share by Application 3-5-6. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-5-7. 2019 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-5-8. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-5-9. 2020 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-5-10. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Small Format LIB) 3-5-11. 2021 Supply Matrix (International Large Format LIB) 3-5-12. On Chinese Market Trend 3-6. On LiPF6 3-6-1. Overview of LiPF6 Market 3-6-2. Production Capacity Trend Reference: Map by Site 3-6-3. 2019 Supply Matrix 3-6-4. 2020 Supply Matrix 3-6-5. 2021 Supply Matrix IV. Face Sheet 4-1. Face Sheet of Major LIB Makers No1 比亜迪 BYD (small format) No2 新能源 ATL No3 冠宇 CosMX No4 比克 BAK No5 力神 Lishen (small format) No6 億緯 EVE Energy No7 天鵬 Tenpower No8 豪鵬 Highpower No9 維科 Veken No10 時代新能源 CATL No11 比亜迪 BYD (large format) No12 孚能 Farasis No13 遠景 Envision AESC No14 国軒 Gotion No15 力神 Lishen (large format) No16 中航 CALB 4-2. 主要材料メーカー個票 No1 钨业 XTC No2 巴莫 B&M No3 北大先行 Pulead No4 当升 Easpring No5 杉杉 Shanshan (cathode) No6 容百 Ronbay No7 德方納米 Dynanonic No8 裕能 Yuneng No9 貝特瑞 BTR No10 紫宸 Zichen No11 杉杉 Shanshan (anode) No12 凱金 Kaijin No13 翔豊華 XFH No14 尚太 Shangtai No15 星城 Shinzoom No16 斯諾 Sinuo No17 恩捷 SEMCORP No18 星源 Senior No19 中材 Sinoma No20 明珠 Mingzhu No21 紐米 Newmi No22 金輝 Jinhui No23 中科 Zhongke No24 天賜 Tinci No25 新宙邦 Capchem No26 国泰華栄 Guotai-Huarong No27 賽緯 Smoothway No28 昆侖 Kunlun No29 杉杉 Shanshan (electrolyte) No30 金牛 Jinniu No31 化学試剤 BICR No32 多氟多 DFD