
LIB Market Trend for Note PC

Pub Date Quarterly
Size & Pages A4 :approx. 70 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$11,000/year (English Ver. / PDF)
JPY900,000/year (Japanese Ver. / PDF)

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Quarterly-based report, focusing on shipment trend of LIB for note PC market. 
The report covers major LIB cell, pack, note PC ODM, and note PC brand makers.
Chapter 1 covers note PC set unit trend by brands, and supply chain data between ODM and brand makers. 
Chapter 2 covers LIB cell to note PC packs to note PC brands supply chain data. 
Chapter 2 also contains laminate pack by major note PC brands by Wh. 
Chapter 3 covers LIB Ah trend for note PC by LIB makers' side and by note PC brands' side. 
Chapter 4 contains product list of note PC brand makers. 
The report covers 3-quarter-ahead forecasts.
I. Note PC Market Overview
    1-1. Overview of Notebook PC Set Market  
    1-2. Notebook PC Set Market by Maker
    1-3. OEM/ODM Maker Market Trend
    1-4. OEM/ODM Matrix
    1-5. Note PC Set Market Analysis of the Current Quarter
II. LIB Pack Market Situation
    2-1. Pack Maker Trend
    2-2. Pack Supply Matrix (Pack × Note PC)
    2-3. Cell Supply Matrix (LIB × Pack)
    2-4. Laminate Pack by Notebook PC Maker, by Wh  
III. LIB for Note PC Capacity Trend
    3-1. LIB Market Trend by Capacity  
    3-2. Capacity Share (by Makers)
    3-3. LIB for Note PC Market Analysis of the Current Quarter
    3-4. LIB Maker Volume Trend by Capacity in Volume
    3-5. Notebook PC Trend by LIB Capacity in Volume
IV. Product List