Camera/Image SensorLens

Marketing Analysis of Lens Units Markets (2019 Edition)

Pub Date May. 2020
Size & Pages A4 :58 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
$3,500/USD (including hardcopy and PDF file)
"Marketing Analysis of Lens Units Markets" (2019 Edition)  covers the largest three markets, Camera Phone, Surveillance Camera and Automotive Camera, focusing on the current trend in the camera lens industries, for example, woledwide market size, suplliers' market shares, techinical trend of pruduct specification and long term forcast of these markets.  Market demands of Lens units are shifting from Camera Phone to Surveillance Camera and furtherly to Automotive Camera year by year. Readers can get a clear understanding  from this report of the market changes to make market decisions for now and for the future.
Executive Summary
    Summary 1   Overview of Camera Phone, Security and Automotive Camera Market
    Summary 2  Long Term Forecast of  the Three Largest Markets (Lens Units Basis)
Lens Units Market for Mobile Phone
    Market Overview of Camera Phone
    Long Term Forecast of Mobile Phone (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Camera Phone in Mobile Phone (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Rear & Front Camera (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Mutiple Camera in Smartphone (CY2016-CY2023)(1)
    Long Term Forecast of Mutiple Camera in Smartphone (CY2016-CY2023)(2)
    Long Term Forecast of Dual Camera in Smartphone (Rear & Front) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Dual Camera in Smartphone (Rear) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Dual Camera in Smartphone (Front) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Triple Camera in Smartphone (Rear & Front) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Triple Camera in Smartphone (Rear) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Triple Camera in Smartphone (Front) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Quad Camera in Smartphone (Rear) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Penta+ Camera in Smartphone (Rear) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of  Resolution Trend for Camera Phone (Rear) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of  Resolution Trend of Camera Phone (Front) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Lens Units for Camera Phone (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Market Trend of  Lens Units Structure (CY2016-CY2023) (1)
    Long Term Forecast of Market Trend of  Lens Units Structure (CY2016-CY2023) (2)
    Market Share of Lens Units Suppliers by Shipment Volumes  in CY2017-CY2019 (1)
    Market Share of Lens Units Suppliers by Shipment Volumes  in CY2017-CY2019 (2)
    Long Term Forecast of Revenue of Lens Units  for Camera Phone (CY2016-CY2023)
Lens Units Market for Security Camera
    Overview of Security Camera Lens Units Market
    Long Term Forecast of Security Camera Lens Units Market (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of CCTV vs IPC Lens Units Market (CY2016-CY2023)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share in CY2017 - CY2019 -(1)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share in CY2017 - CY2019 -(2)
    Long Term Forecast of Security Camera Lens by Zoom and No-zoom (CY2016-CY2023) (1)
    Long Term Forecast of Security Camera Lens by Zoom and No-zoom (CY2016-CY2023) (2)
    Long Term Forecast of Security Camera Lens by Resolution (CY2016-CY2023) (1)
    Long Term Forecast of Security Camera Lens by Resolution (CY2016-CY2023) (2)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by Zoom Lens in CY2017 - CY2019 (1)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by No-Zoom Lens in CY2017 - CY2019 (2)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by Zoom and No-Zoom Lens in CY2017 - CY2019 (1)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by Zoom and No-Zoom Lens in CY2017 - CY2019 (2)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by Resolution in CY2017 - CY2019 (1)
    Major Lens Units Suppliers' Share by Resolution in CY2017 - CY2019 (2)
    Long Term Forecast of Revenue for Cecurity Camera Lens Units Market (CY2016-CY2023)
Lens units Market for Automotive Camera
    Market Overview of Lens Module for Automotive Camera
    Long Term Forecast of Lens Module Market (Viewing & Sensing) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Automotive Lens Module Market (in total) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Lens Units Maker Share  in CY2017 - CY2019 (Sensing) (1)
    Lens Units Maker Share  in CY2017 - CY2019 (Sensing) (2)
    Lens Units Maker Share  in CY2017 - CY2019 (View & Viewing+Sensing) (1)
    Lens Units Maker Share  in CY2017 - CY2019 (View & Viewing+Sensing) (2)
    Long Term Forecast of Revenue for Lens Module Market (View and Sensing) (CY2016-CY2023)
    Long Term Forecast of Revenue for Lens Module Market (in Total) (CY2016-CY2023)