
In-Cabin Monitoring System Market Analysis 2018-2019

Pub Date Apr. 2019
Size & Pages A4 :94 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$5,500 (English Ver./Hardcopy + PDF)
In the automotive market, various technologies are being developed for ADAS/ AD.
The key technology is the "in-cabin monitoring system", which senses the driver's physical condition and the in-cabin environment through a camera and various sensors that detect body/biological information.

The in-cabin monitoring system currently available in the market is the  DMS (driver monitoring system) that monitors the driving condition of the driver using a camera installed in the car.

This report attempts to comprehend the current situation and future direction of DMS/the in-cabin monitoring system technologies and applications, and analyzes the development status and strategies of car OEMs, tier 1 and venture companies in detail to clarify how the market will be formed.
1. Summary
    1-1. Research Summary and Target Area
    1-2. In-Cabin Monitoring System Market overview
    1-3. In-Cabin Monitoring System Spreading scenario
    1-4. In-Cabin Monitoring System Major manufacturers/Related manufacturer list
    1-5. Analysis of applications and technologies for autonomous driving
2. In-Cabin Monitoring System market trend
    2-1. Definition and classification of in-Cabin Monitoring System
    2-2. Current Status and Future Forecasts of In-Cabin Monitoring System Market
    2-3. In-Cabin Monitoring System market trend by scenario
    2-4. In-Cabin Monitoring System market trend by application
    2-5. In-Cabin Monitoring System market trend by vehicle type(Passenger car/Commercial Vehicle)
    2-6. In-Cabin Monitoring System market trend by area
    2-7. Market Trends by Application for Passenger Detection
    2-8. Reference Data -Biological monitoring-
3. Driver Monitoring System Sensor Technology Analysis
    3-1. Classification of Sensor Technologies in Driver Monitoring System
    3-2. Driver Monitoring System Market Trends by Sensor Technology
    3-3. Technology Advantage Comparison
    3-4. Trends by Installed Position
    3-5. Driver Monitoring System Development trend/Device trend
    3-6. Driver Monitoring System related manufacturer list
    3-7. Driver Monitoring System price trends
    3-8. Reference Data -New Technology price trend-
    3-9. Cost analysis
4. Passenger Detection sensor technology analysis
    4-1. Classification of Sensor Technologies for Passenger Detection
    4-2. Technology Advantage Comparison
    4-3. Installation Trends by Installed Position
5. In-Cabin Monitoring System software analysis
    5-1. Software Vendor Entry Status
    5-2. Software SCM(Tier1×Software Vendor)
    5-3. Software trends
6. In-Cabin Monitoring System maker trends
    6-1. In-Cabin Monitoring System Entry Makers/Suppliers Trends
    6-2. Tier1 Supplier shipment share
    6-3. Driver Monitoring System SCM(Car OEM×Tier1)
    6-4. Driver Monitoring System SCM(Tire1×Tier2)
    6-5. Car OEM installation share
    6-6. Car OEM installation schedule
    6-7. Venture company/Startup company/Different type companies trends
7. Extraction of external factors related to promotion of in-cabin monitoring system deployment
    7-1. Extraction of External Factors Related to Promotion of In-Cabin Monitoring System Installation
8. Face Sheet
    8-1. Face Sheet Analysis -List of individual companies surveyed-
    8-2. Face Sheet Analysis -Summary-
    8-3. Face Sheet Analysis -Application Summary-
    8-4. Face Sheet -Car OEM-
    8-5. Face Sheet -Tier1-
9. In-Cabin Monitoring System Installed vehicle type/Product list
    9-1. In-Cabin Monitoring System installed vehicle type
    9-2. In-Cabin Monitoring System product list