1. Summary
1.1. Market Trend Summary
1.2. Wireless Connectivity Standard
1.3. Wireless Application
1.4. Bluetooth Market Forecast by Host Device and Accessory
1.5. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast by Application
1.6. WiFi Market Forecast by Application Segment
1.7. WiFi Market Forecast by Technology
1.8. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast by Application
1.9. Wireless Connectivity Solution Trend
1.10. Positioning Wireless Chipset Vendor by Segment
1.11. IoT Chip and Module Industry Map
2. Standard
2.1. Wireless Standard Position
2.2. List of Major Wireless Standards
2.3. Radio Band Analysis
2.4. Band Allocation
2.5. Bluetooth Standard
2.6. WiFi Standard
2.7. IEEE802.15.4 Standard
3. Market Trend
3.1. Wireless Chip and Application
3.2. Bluetooth Market Forecast
3.2.1. Bluetooth Market Forecast by Application, CY2014-2021
3.2.2. Bluetooth Market Forecast by Standard, CY2014-2021
3.2.3. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast by Application, CY2014-2021
3.2.4. Bluetooth Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard, CY2014-2021
3.3. WiFi Market Forecast
3.3.1. WiFi Market Forecast by Application, CY2014-2021
3.3.2. WiFi Market Forecast by Standard, CY2014-2021
3.3.3. WiFi Market Forecast by Antenna Configuration, CY2014-2021
3.3.4. WiFi Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard, CY2014-2021
3.4. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast
3.4.1. 60GHz WiFi for Consumer Applications Market Forecast, CY2014-2021
3.4.2. 60GHz WiFi for Backhaul Market Forecast, CY2014-2021
3.5. 802.11ah Market Forecast, CY2014-2021
3.6. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Smartphone
3.6.1. Wireless Attach Ratio
3.6.2. Wireless Solution Trend
3.7. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Wearable
3.7.1. Wireless Attach Ratio
3.7.2. Wireless Solution Trend
3.8. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Car Infotainment Connectivity
3.8.1. Wireless Attach Ratio
3.8.2. Wireless Solution Trend
3.9. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Smart Home
3.9.1. Smart Home Service Model
3.9.2. Wireless Protocol in Smart Home
3.9.3. Major Smart Home Platform and Connectivity
3.9.4. Wireless Connectivity Market Forecast in Major Smart Home Application, 2014-2021
3.9.5. IEEE802.15.4 in Smart Home Market
4. Chipset & Module Trend
4.1. Wireless Chip and Module Category
4.2. Chipset and Module Vendor List.
4.3. Wireless Connectivity Silicon IP Vendor
4.4. New Entry, M&A
4.5. Supply Chain
4.6. Chipset Vendor Market Share, CY2015-2016
4.6.1. Bluetooth Total
4.6.2. Bluetooth Low Energy
4.6.3. Bluetooth Audio SoC
4.6.4. Bluetooth Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
4.6.5. WiFi Total
4.6.6. WiFi Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
4.6.7. WiFi Market Share by Major Application
4.6.8. Automotive Wireless Connectivity Chip Market Share
4.7. Major Wireless Chip Vendors by Application Segment
4.8. Influence of Broadcom Merger
4.9. Major Wireless Chip Vendor Trend
4.10. Module Vendor Trend
4.10.1. Shipment Quantity of Major Wireless Module Vendor
4.10.2. Major Module Vendor Trend
4.10.3. Module Ratio by Major Application
4.10.4. Module Ratio by Major Smartphone Vendor
4.11. Module and Chip Price Forecast, CY2014-2021
4.12. Smartphone Connectivity Chip and Module Solution Market Trend, CY2014-2021
4.13. Wireless Connectivity Integration into Host SoC
4.14. Wireless Module Market Forecast to Car Infotainment Device, 2014-2021
4.15. 802.11ax Roadmap
4.16. Embedded WiFi Solution Trend
4.17. Embedded Module from Chip Vendors
4.18. 60GHz Antenna Solution
4.19. Bluetooth Low Energy IC Trend
4.19.1. Bluetooth 5 Roadmap
4.19.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Chip Roadmap
4.20. Combo Solution
4.21. Major Wireless Chipset List