Mobile & Wireless

2020 Wireless Connectivity market Analysis

Pub Date May. 2020
Size & Pages A4 :150 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
$3,500 (English Version, PDF report and Excel Spreadsheet)
This is annual market report of short range wireless connectivity: Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy and Wireless LAN (WiFi). The report focus on chipset and module industry trend, key market trend and application trend. 20202 report features 802.11ax (WiFi 6) from broadband to IoT application, new 6GHz WiFi market, and growing Bluetooth audio/ TWS market.
1. Summary
    Impact on COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) to Device Shipments in 2020 (as of March/April)
    1.1. Wireless Connectivity Market Trend Summary
    1.2. Wireless Connectivity Standard
    1.3. Major Applications for Wireless Connectivity Chip
    1.4. Wireless Connectivity Chip Market Forecast
    1.5. Bluetooth Market Forecast
    1.6. Bluetooth Audio SoC Market Forecast
    1.7. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast
    1.8. WiFi Market Forecast by Market Segment
    1.8. WiFi Market Forecast by Standard
    1.9. 802.11ax/802.11be Market Breakdown by Application
    1.10. Positioning Wireless Chipset Vendor by Segment
2. Standard
    2.1. List of Major Wireless Standards
    2.2. Radio Band
    2.3. Bluetooth Standard
    2.4. WiFi Standard
    2.5. IEEE802.15.4 Standard
3. Market Trend
    3.1. Bluetooth Market Forecast
        3.1.1. Bluetooth Market Forecast by Application
        3.1.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Market Forecast by Application
        3.1.3. Bluetooth Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard
    3.2. WiFi Market Forecast
        3.2.1. WiFi Market Forecast by Application
        3.2.2. WiFi Market Forecast by Standard/Spectrum Band
        3.2.3. 802.11ax/ 11be Market Forecast
        3.2.4. WiFi Market Forecast by Antenna Configuration
        3.2.5. WiFi Market Forecast Breakdown by Application/ Standard
    3.3. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast
        3.3.1. 60GHz WiFi Applications
        3.3.2. 60GHz WiFi Market Forecast
    3.4. Application Trend
        3.4.1. Smartphone
        3.4.2. Bluetooth Audio
        3.4.3. Automotive Connectivity
        3.4.4. BLE Positioning Device Market Forecast
        3.4.5. WiFi Networking
        3.4.6. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Home Entertainment
        3.4.7. Wireless Connectivity Trend in Smart Home
    3.5. IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee Market
4. Chipset & Module Trend
    4.1. Wireless Chip and Module Category
    4.2. Wireless Chipset and Module Vendor List.
    4.3. M&A
    4.4. Supply Chain
    4.5. Chipset Vendor Market Share
        4.5.1. Bluetooth Total
        4.5.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Single Mode
        4.5.3. Bluetooth Audio SoC
        4.5.4. Bluetooth TWS Audio Headset SoC Market Share
        4.5.5. Bluetooth Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
        4.5.6. WiFi Total
        4.5.7. MCU Embedded WiFi Chip
        4.5.8. WiFi Chip Vendor Shipment Breakdown by Chip Type
        4.5.9. WiFi Market Share by Major Application
        4.5.10. Automotive Wireless Connectivity Chip Market Share
    4.6. Major Wireless Chip Vendor by Application
    4.7. Major Wireless Chip Vendor Trend
    4.8. Module Vendor Trend
        4.8.1. Shipment Unit of Major Wireless Module Vendor
        4.8.2. Major Module Vendor Trend
        4.8.3. Module Adoption Ratio by Major Application
        4.8.4. Pros/Cons of Module
    4.9. Module and Chip Price Forecast
    4.10. Smartphone Connectivity Chip and Module Solution Market Trend
    4.11. 802.11ax Chipset Trend
    4.12. MCU Embedded WiFi Trend
    4.13. Bluetooth IC Trend
        4.13.1. BLE Feature Support
        4.13.2. Bluetooth Low Energy Chip Roadmap
        4.13.3. Bluetooth Based Positioning Technology
        4.13.4. Bluetooth Audio SoC Trend
    4.14. RISC-V MCU Adoption in Wireless Connectivity Chip
    4.15. Process Technology Trend
    4.16. Major Wireless Chipset List