Mobile & WirelessSurveillance camera/Industrial equipment and sensors

2020 Ultra Wideband Market Analysis

Pub Date May.2020
Size & Pages A4 :73 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$2,500 (including PDF report and Excel data)
“2020 Ultra Wideband Market Analysis” Covers Ultra Wideband technology in specific areas: RTLS (Real Time Location Positioning), Automotive, and Mobile Consumer Industry. In the report we focus on explain and compare Ultra Wideband to other competitor technologies. In addition, we provide: chipset price trend, global market forecast and market share of Ultra Wideband for the following industry:

 1. RTLS: Industrial 
 2. Mobile: Smartphone, consumer wearables, proximity tags 
 3. Automotive: Car smart access key
1. Summary
    1.1. UWB Market and Application
    1.2. Position of UWB in indoor positioning technology
    1.3. UWB Application Market Trend
    1.4. UWB Industry Supply Chain
    1.5. UWB Chip Industry Trend
2. Standard
    2.1. Spectrum & Regulation
    2.2 History of UWB
    2.3. Comparison UWB with Other RF based Location Technology
    2.4. UWB Standard
    2.5. Industry Alliance
3. UWB Application Market
    3.1. UWB Application
    3.2. UWB Market Forecast by Major Verticals
    3.3. Industrial RTLS
        3.3.1. UWB RTLS Device Market Forecast
        3.3.2. UWB RTLS Device Market Forecast by Area
        3.3.3. Industrial RTLS Tag and Anchor Price Forecast
        3.3.4. UWB RTLS Chipset Market Share
    3.4. Smartphone
        3.4.1. UWB Smartphone Market Forecast
        3.4.2. UWB smartphone Market Forecast by Area
        3.4.3. UWB Smartphone Market Breakdown by OS
    3.5. UWB Mobile Accessory
        3.5.1 Consumer ? Proximity Tag
        3.5.2. Consumer Wearable
    3.6. Automotive
        3.6.1. UWB Automotive Market Forecast
        3.6.2. Automotive Market Forecast by Area
        3.6.3. Number of UWB Chip per Automotive
        3.6.4. Automotive UWB Chip Market Forecast
4. UWB Supplier Trend
    4.1. Chipset & Module List
    4.2 Supply Chain by Major Vertical Industries.
    4.3. UWB based RTLS Device Company List
    4.4. UWB Chipset Market Share Forecast
    4.5. UWB Chip Company Overview
    4.6. UWB Chipset Price Forecast
    4.7. Product Time Line
    4.8. Company Profile
        1. NXP
        2. Decawave (Qorvo)
        3. Be Spoon
        4. Ubisense
        5. Humatics
        6. Essensium NV
        7. Zebra Technologies
        8. Sewio Networks
        9. Kinexon
        10. Eliko
        11. Inpixon
        12. Ubitraq
        13. LEAPS
        14. 3DB Access
        15. Spark Microsystems
        16. Ubudu