
Small Format LIB Market Trend

Pub Date Quarterly
Size & Pages A4 :70 Pages
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Quarterly-based small format lithium-ion battery (LIB) cell shipment statistics. 
Intends to clarify supply chain from each LIB cell maker to each application player.
The report covers 11 major LIB makers in Japan, Korea, and China.
Power applications include: EV, ESS, power tools, garden tools, e-bicycle, cleaner, e-cigarette, etc.
IT applications include: mobile phone, note PC, tablet, etc. 
Also, EV, ESS, and BBU, using small format LIB, appear in the report. 
The report covers 3-quarter forecasts.
I. Market Edition
    1-1. Market Trend by Type /Cell Basis (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
    1-2. Market Trend by Maker /Cell Basis
    1-3. Maker Trend by Type (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
    1-4. Maker Trend by Application (by cellular, note PC, tablet, power apps, PT/GT, others)
    1-5. Market Overview and TSR Analysis
    Appendix. 1: Application Production Trend
    Appendix. 2: Production Capacity Trend
II. Application Edition
    2-1. By Application Summary (current quarter)
        2-1-1. Battery Cell Shipping Trend by Applications (current quarter)
        2-1-2. Market Situation by Applications (current quarter)
    2-2. Cellular Phone
        2-2-1. Battery Market for Cellular Phone
        2-2-2. Battery Maker Movement for Cellular Phone
        2-2-3. by Type (Cellular Phone, by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-2-4. Breakdown (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-2-5. Cellular Supply Matrix (current quarter)
    2-3. Note PC
        2-3-1. Battery Market for Note PC
        2-3-2. Battery Maker Movement for Note PC
        2-3-3. by Type (Note PC, by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-3-4. Breakdown (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-3-5. Note PC Supply Matrix (current quarter)
    2-4. Tablet
        2-4-1. Battery Market for Tablet
        2-4-2. Battery Maker Movement for Tablet
        2-4-3. by Type (Tablet, by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-4-4. Breakdown (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-4-5. Tablet Supply Matrix (current quarter)
    2-5. Major Power Applications (e-mobility, cleaner, e-cigarette)
        2-5-1. Battery Market for Major Power Applications
        2-5-2. Battery Maker Movement for Major Power Applications
        2-5-3. by Type (Major Power Applications, by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-5-4. Breakdown (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-5-5. Major Power Applications Supply Matrix (current quarter)
    2-6. Power Tools & Garden Tools
        2-6-1. Battery Market for Power Tools & Garden Tools
        2-6-2. Battery Maker Movement for Power Tools & Garden Tools
        2-6-3. by Type (Power Tools & Garden Tools, by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-6-4. Breakdown (by cylindrical, prismatic, and laminate)
        2-6-5. Power Tools & Garden Tools Supply Matrix (current quarter)
    2-7. Other Applications
        2-7-1. Other Applications Supply Matrix (current quarter)
        (Includes: EV, ESS, BBU, Power Bank, Shaver/Toothbrush, Game, and DSC)