AutomotivexR (VR/AR)

Head-Up Display Market Research 2019-2020

Pub Date Oct. 2019
Size & Pages A4 :107 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$5,000 (English Ver./Hardcopy)
US$6,000 (English Ver./PDF)
In today's automotive market, the importance of in-vehicle HMIs are growing as the development of ADAS and automated driving for the advanced vehicles. HUDs are a typical product that provides driver with reliability. Many car OEMs have a motivation of HUD installation due to the benefits of instant readability of driving support information. It is necessary to grow both in terms of the widespread use of HUDs linked to the spread of advanced automobiles and technology studies that will lead to the enhancement of HMI functions. 

This report will answer the questions regarding the trends and future of HUD technologies, analyzing it thoroughly in terms of the market situation, applications and technologies.

  1. Head-Up Display Market Update
  2. Emerging Market Overview
  3. Key Technologies for the Next Head-Up Display

  * Head-Up Display Market
  * Windshield Market
  * Components Market
I. Summary
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Scenario of Head-Up Display Market
    3. HUD Technology Transition by Generation and by Year
    4. Market Entrants Map of Head-Up Display (As of Q2 2019)
    5. Emerging Market Demand for HUD and Future Technologies for the Next HUD
II. Head-Up Display Market Breakdown
    1. HUD Market Overview (2017-2027e)
    2. HUD Market Breakdown (2017-2027e)
        2.1. Volume Trend by HUD Type (Windshield/Combiner)
        2.2. Volume Trend by Region (EU/US/JP/CN/ROW)
        2.3. Volume Trend by Segment
        2.4. Volume Trend by Channel (Line Fit/DOP, Aftermarket)
    3. Specification Trend of HUD (2017-2027e) by Volume
        3.1. By Imager Type
        3.2. By Light Source Type
        3.2. By PGU Type
        3.3. By FOV
        3.4. By Image Distance
        3.5. By Unit Size
        3.6. Average Unit Price of HUD by HUD Type
        3.7. Cost Structure of HUD
    4. Technology Trend in HUD Market (2017-2027e)
    5. HUD Application Analysis
III. Topical Themes of Head-Up Display Market Research 2019-2020
    1. Emerging Market of HUD
    2. Marketing Analysis of the Future Technologies for HUD
IV. Car OEMs and Tier 1 Suppliers Trend
    1. Car OEMs Market
        1.1. HUD Take Rate Trend by Major OEM in the last 3 years (2017-2019e)
        1.2. HUD Installation Trend by Major OEM (New Models by OEM)
        1.3. Marketing Analysis of HUD Positioning in Automotive HMI
        1.4. Supply Matrixes: Car OEMs and Tier 1 Suppliers
        1.5. Maker Share in HUD Market by Car OEM (2017-2019e)
    2. Tier 1 Suppliers Market
        2.1. Market Entrants of HUD and Coverage Products
        2.2. The Next Generation HUD on Each HUD Maker
        2.3. Maker Share in HUD
            2.3.3. Combiner HUD Market
V. Face Sheet
    1. Car OEMs
    2. Tier 1 Suppliers
VI. Key Components Market
    1. Imager Market (VFD, TFT, DLP, LCOS and Scanning MEMS Mirror)
    2. Light Source Market (LED and Laser)
    3. Windshield and Interlayer Market
    4. Optical Components Market
    5. Supply Matrixes: Optical Component Makers and HUD Makers
VII. Model List
    1. New Models in 2019 and Feature
    2. Model List