AutomotivexR (VR/AR)

2020 Head Up Display Market Update

Pub Date Nov. 2020
Size & Pages Data:15
Price(Tax excluded)
US$500 (English Ver./Power Point and Excel Data)
This report covers Head-Up display market. There are basically data such as recently market overview, topical themes, volume forecast, and market share in this report. In addition, it focuses on studying advanced HUD conditions such as wide FOV, AR (Augmented Reality) and 3D holographic technology.
※ This report is a spin-off report from “Automotive Cockpit Electronics and Displays 2021”. This cockpit report will be published in February 2021. Please contact us if customers require the full package version. 
1. Head-Up Display Market Overview
2. 2019-2020 Topical Theme in Head-Up Display Market
3. Market Update Compared with the Previous Forecast
4. All HUDs Market Trend (Volume and Revenue Basis) : 2018-2028e
5. HUD Market Trend by Type (Windshield/Combiner) : 2018-2028e
6. Maker Share in HUD Market (By Car OEM / By Head-Up Display Maker) : 2018-2020e
    6.1. All HUDs Market
    6.2. By Car OEM (Windshield/Combiner)
    6.3. By Head-Up Display Makers (Windshield/Combiner)
7. Average Sales Price Trend in Head-Up Display Market
8. Marketing Analysis of Advanced HUD
    8.1. Definition and Category in Advanced HUD Technologies
    8.2. Wide FOV HUD
    8.3. AR (Augmented Reality) HUD
    8.4. 3D Holographic HUD
9. Each Advanced HUD Market Conditions