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Projection Displays Market Research 2017-2018
– The Added-Value changes in front projector market and Creating new application markert by using key devices and projection technology for AR/MR market –

Pub Date Apr. 2018
Size & Pages A4 :157 Pages
Price(Tax excluded)
US$5,500 (English Ver./Hardcopy) 
US$6,500 (English Ver./Hardcopy + PDF)
Front projector market has been declining slightly since 2014. Each projector maker under the situation considering the value-added projector. There are conventional approaches by projector maker such as focusing large venue market, new technology installation and upgrading product specification for volume zone. But, these solutions have already reached the limit yet. Thus, it has caused the price competition among projector makers. All projector makers should find additional functions and technologies for the value-added projector. Each projector maker is working on new approaching for it now.

This answers continuous growth of projector market beyond 2020. For this challenges, TSR focuses on the followings three topics in this report.
  1. Market Status of Existing Front Projector Market
  2. Relationship between the Value-Added Transition and Key Components Changing in Front Projector
  3. New Application Market by Projection Technology
I. Summary
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Long-term Scenario of Front Projector Market
    3. Positioning Map of All Entrants in Existing Front Projector Market
    4. Additional Functions and Technologies Trend by Added-Value Transition
    5. Created New Applications by Projection Technology for AR/MR
II. Front Projector Market Overview
    1. Front Projector Market Overview
        1.1. Market Trend in All Front Projectors (Volume and Revenue Basis)
        1.2. Front Projector Market Breakdown
            1.2.1. Volume Trend by Application (Business/Education, Home, Large Venue, Digital Cinema)
            1.2.2. Volume Trend by Technology (Conventional, Short Throw, Solid State Light)
        1.3. Technology Trend in Front Projector Market
            1.3.1. Technology Advantage by Light Valve Type (LCD/DLP/LCOS)
            1.3.2. Resolution Trend in Front Projector
            1.3.3. Brightness trend in Front Projector
        1.4. Product Specification Trend by Technology and by Application
        1.5. Market Share by Projector Manufacturer (2015-2017e)
        1.6. Price Trend of Front Projector
            1.6.1. Unit Price of Front Projector
            1.6.2. BOM Cost by Technology Type
        1.7. Face Sheet by Projector Manufacturer
III. Hot Topics of Projection Displays Market Research 2017-2018
    1. Key Devices Change with Added-Value in Front Projector Market
    2. New Applications for AR/MR by Projection Technology
IV. Key Device Market
    1. Light Valve Market
    2. Light Source Market
    3. Optical Component Market (Projection Lens Unit and Other Optical Components)
V. Model List and Reference Data
    1. Epoch Making Products by Projector Brand
    2. Model List of Front Projector
    3. The Future Projection Technologies ? Application Market Map of Projection Technology Using -